Biological and Ecological Assessments


 Over the last 15 years, Warren has engaged experts from Vermont Fish & Wildlife, Vermont Natural Resources Council and Arrowwood Environmental, to help document the natural history of Warren and prioritize the most important areas for conservation and habitat protection. Knowing what we have and what we might be losing with future development and fragmentation is essential as we plan for the future.

Mapping Conservation Priorities

Over the past two decades, the commission has produced a complete map of the Town’s natural heritage resources compiled by their significance. These maps provide a clear delineation of where conservation
activities are most critical for the long term protection of our heritage and what specific measures landowners can be taking to enhance the conservation of these resources on their own lands.

/Could include summary here of conservation priorities, or

The Warren Conservation Commission has created a video that addresses a review of the Town Natural Heritage Resources. The video presents a summary of the programs and studies we have done over the last two decades.

Warren Conservation Commission Goals and Objectives

Natural Heritage Inventory

In 2008 the Conservation Commission completed an inventory of natural heritage elements which were then used to determine conservation priorities. The project identified and assessed five resource elements: wetlands, vernal pools, upland natural communities, wildlife habitat and connecting lands and rare elements.

The document is about 50 pages and includes detailed sections on each of the natural heritage resources with the goal that this information can be used for further town planning.

Other Maps and Assessments

This land use map highlights conserved parcels in the town of Warren.

This document contains an array of maps informed by ecological conservation principles, community values, and the earlier versions of tiered priority mapping. In addition it runs through an analysis of possible build-out scenarios in the Mad River Valley.